Archive from October, 2012
Oct 20, 2012 - Communication    2 Comments

Texting is creative because, you can use different languages such as slang ect. When you are texting someone you can use words that you would not normally use when you are writing such as YOLO( which means you only live once). it is an example of a texting devise that has made its way back into spoken language and a significant reason for this is that it works as a word and sound distinctive.


The name of the language device used is slang. Slang is a language which lot’s of kids these days use, it is known for making words shorter such as yolo which mean you only live once.

Some examples

bare= very 

blood= brother

fam= family or friend

lol= laugh out lound

dead= if someone said a joke and it was not funny the other person can say dead meaning the joke was not funny

ppl= people

So texting is creative because its quicker typing smaller words and people still understand and the language. It’s much different to normal writing can you can’t add those words into a writing book because the reader will not understand.

Oct 19, 2012 - Communication    1 Comment

Plan for Controlled Assessment

How I’m going to introduce the subject

In this assessment I would like to look at and discuss how texting and web based is creative

What the language devices we look at

language devices

speaking language


non linguistic


texting and web interaction is a creative form of communication because….

with texting you can use words that you wouldn’t normally use for writing such as lol and yolo. So texting is creative because you can make up your own language like slang


Oct 18, 2012 - Communication    No Comments

A Message from your Teacher

Hi, Levi

I’m just quickly writing you a note to tell you that I’m eagerly awaiting your update where you publish your plan for next week’s assessment as well as some examples of paragraph starters that you think will be clear and effective.

I’ve finished responding to everyone else’s work and I’m concerned that you are missing out on the feedback you need as tomorrow is our last lesson before the assessment begins.

Please get in contact with me if there’s anything I can do to help

Kind regards,

Christopher Waugh (your teacher)


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